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As a Civil Marriage Celebrant I am legally bound by the MARRIAGE ACT. There are laws I need to follow & before I can marry you there are specific things we have to do. A Notice of Intention to Marry (NOIM) must be completed and witnessed at least one month prior to your wedding. It can be lodged with me up to 18 months in advance of your wedding.


You must be at least 18 years of age to marry in Australia. (if under 18 but Over 16 years of age, a court order will be required-and if you’re both under 18 you are NOT able to be married)
You are not to be related as an ascendant or descendant.

If you are an Australian born citizen you must provide your birth certificate. If born outside Australia, you are required to show your birth certificate or passport from your country of birth.

When we meet, prior to the wedding, I must sight your original full birth certificates (and if applicable) Divorce documents and/or Death Certificate of your previous spouse.

You are required to have two witnesses to the ceremony – who are over 18 years of age.

Prior to the Ceremony you need to sign another form which is a declaration stating that you know of no legal impediment to your marriage.

As part of the ceremony you & your spouse, your 2 witnesses and I sign 3 marriage documents.

After the ceremony, I will lodge all relevant papers with the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.

© 2013 Something Blue Weddiings - Website Created by B&B Cowley

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